
By Spikesonaroll

It's been a while

Conscious I have not given any time to my photography for a few weeks...life getting in the way. Particularly with both N and A off to their respective Uni's, one in Sheffield and one in Bournemouth.

Also so much to do for deceased relative ... up and down from East Sussex to Dorset and back...plus the paperwork/telephone calls/emails are endless.

Funeral for the relative next Friday...in Somerset !! Going to be a tough day.....wrestled with writing the eulogy for somebody who was just not nice has been difficult ... What is positive is it is the end of another chapter...move forward methinks.

So...grabbed a few hours with T and off to the woods we went with Macro lens looking for shrooms...found some common puffballs and some amethyst deceiver's...The light in the woods was poor so the ISO was very high...but I am reasonably happy with these two images.

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