Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Carpe diem ...

A crazily changeable day. (You can tell how much the weather affects my moods by the number of times I mention it!) There was a lovely yellow light as the sun rose over the Gourock hills, but by the time I'd had breakfast and went to take some old newspapers to the bin it was raining. This meant I felt chilly in church, but the sun was out again when we emerged, and rain and sun alternated for the rest of the day. The service had not been without incident - apart from someone taking ill and someone else making a strange tapping noise to which he himself was presumably oblivious, we had the treat of Himself doing what one of the lay readers described as a riff on the last hymn - the inevitable consequence of his remark at breakfast that he'd "nothing to play" at the end of the service. We love his "riffs" ...

My main photo - of Holy Trinity churchyard when we came out - shows just how lovely a place it is; a friend described it today as a very thin place, and I'd agree. And there's another photo from inside the church in the extras, as I couldn't resist the wonderful colours in a flower display at the door, left from Tuesday's funeral. 

My pal Di hadn't intended coming back to ours for coffee, as she'd visitors arriving, but after yesterday's tentative planning of a girly trip abroad we decided just to go for it, so we spent the time when the coffee was brewing reserving ourselves a week in Madeira in the early spring - just the two of us. It all seemed insanely easy, right down to the insurance - it's the first truly package holiday I've booked in years. I can see why people do it ...

I had thought we'd maybe just stay in if the afternoon remained wet, but towards teatime we could once again see some brightness to the south and headed off down the road like two little lemmings. We had a relatively short walk around Toward Point; the light was absolutely lovely and we saw a telegraph pole and its support and wires covered in cheeping birds (dunnocks? couldn't really see them) and a random apple tree growing red apples on the foreshore, presumably dumped long ago when someone in one of the houses was having a garden clear-out. 

The rain came on again as we reached the car. Carpe diem indeed.

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