
By randomgirl

Bee and Ivy flowers

Earlier in the day I had noticed just how many insects there were buzzing around the flowering ivy bush - especially when the sun came out. I'd never really seen so many insects all enjoying the same plant! There were honey bees, fruit flies, Red Admiral butterflies (see extras) and even the odd wasp.....no bumble bees though.

Later on as it turned to evening and the light was beginning to fade a little and the air was getting quite cool, I went back over to the bush to see whether it was still populated with insects. This time all I could see was this one solitary bumble bee, who was moving around the flower very slowly and silently. I couldn't help wishing I could get it to go back home (wherever that was) and keep itself safe and warm. I was sad that it looked like it probably wouldn't be able to make it back, with so little energy left.

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