Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

My plan today was to close down my patio. Cut down the plants and collect all the soil in a bag. When I came out I saw tomato flowers everywhere! And when I started to look closer: tomatoes! Not just on one plant, but on several! And, these poor plants haven't been watered for a while... I'll bet they were happy to get some water today! I did remove three plant, since they only had flowers or just some small, very very small, tomato. I really need some space outside too, so they had to go. My aubergine is healthy and my squash too. I also got some company while I was working... from mosquitoes!! In October!?! Nooo... this is not right. I guess I'll wait until it's a frost warning and then mature the rest of the tomatoes inside.

As you can see we've got some sunshine today. :) 

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