I shut all the shutters last night as the NE wind howled round the house. Early doors it was grim as. I turned on the heating a quickly realised the pump was seized. Eventually with You Tube and a new 3mm sword head flat screwdriver I managed to free it. Having the exact screwdriver was essential. It cost €1.80.
It’s brightened a bit since but the lustre of novel cold weather is rapidly fading. They say porcini hate the wind but I’m minded to take a wander in the woods with a fluorescent band on my cap in case someone’s up there with his gun.
The extra is the almost last of the figs. They were not really ripe so after gently bbqing yesterday I put them on top of wood stove with honey and water. Delicious when slightly caramelised. Gotta eat well in the cold.
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