Mr Smith

By MrSmith

The handover

That's me doing my best Car Salesman impersonation.

The chap on the other side with his wife was the lucky winner of the car in a promotion we were running.

When I rang him to tell him he'd won he said "Can I not get the cash instead, she'll never let me keep the car" I had to tell him there was no cash alternative and when I informed him he would have to turn up with his wife for a photo opportunity while I handed him the keys I thought he was going to cry.

She refused to take her coat off, either at the photo shoot or the lunch afterwards because " I know what you advertising types are like".

Poor bloke.

A few things strike me about this. Cars at that time were clearly never introduced to a wind tunnel and the study of aerodynamics was some time off and secondly, I was getting more mileage out of my wedding suit than he would be getting from his new vehicle - although as he was negotiating with the head of the car dealership when I buggered off I doubt he drove it at all.

On the plus side, I got home early.

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