Seeing Red

This week's reading on my course (which is registered at 2.5 days a week) is 611 pages, across 4 public health reports. That's after I've deducted all non pertinent content. I get that Academic reading is a skill, but that's plain daft. The tutors advice " work out what you need for assignment 2"* felt more like being taught to pass than taught to learn.

An errand to town to collect Mrs IttH's laptop (2years old and v high spec) resulted in the advice from the computer geek "don't let Windows 11 try to install on anything that's not nearly brand new..."

So Missy and I took the blue sky as an invitation to go for a wander. Lots of forestry (cutting down of plantations) seems to be occurring round here this year, but it has meant we've seen these beauties everywhere.

* this week's assignment (assignment 1 is cumulative for the first six weeks) was actually very easy and didn't need any of this week's reading... So has been submitted on day 1, yeay!

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