I wonder...
A lovely day today catching up with a friend for a walk in her area - always nice to try new paths. On the way home the sun was in my eyes and I arrived home, quickly changed into my old beach trainers and ran over the dunes to catch this sunset. There was a guy on the beach too but other than that only the birds and a gentle breeze in my ears. We stood quietly respecting each others peace and thoughts. As anyone who reads my Blips will know sunsets always make me think of my son and how they will be seeing the morning sun soon but today as the sun seemed to set even more quickly than usual I was thinking about how fast the Earth is travelling and the wonder that we don't feel it! As it disappeared we turned to walk away and as our paths crossed he shared his thoughts - I wonder how many times it's done that .... and how many more times it will! We smiled and carried on our way.
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