
Another sewing day, so more quilting. B dropped me off with my machine and stuff, as the meeting is in the church hall and there is very limited road side parking. I cannot manage to carry the heavy weight all the way in. He then drove the car home.

It was cold in the hall, temperatures have dropped today and the windows were all open. I was cold by lunchtime when we were invited into the church to see the flowers, they are trying to recruit new flower arrangers!!! By the time we got back to the hall I was absolutely frozen. Note to self ……more layers of clothes next time, a beanie to warm up in the microwave and resist the temptation to start flower arranging, stick to sewing. 

B drove back to collect me and the gear, and I drove home, dropping B off at table tennis. Amber and I walked up to meet him at 4pm when they finished. 

It has been all go all day. 

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