
By Marionb

Heard it Through the Grapevine....

...That Winter's Coming....

So ....Make good use of each sunny warm day! To do that, we decided to go back down to Lynde Shores Conservation Area, and it certainly was a better idea to do that on a week day like today, rather than a holiday Monday! There were people enjoying the trails, canoeing in the marsh and feeding the birds but it was not congested..and there were even parking spots! 

I tried hard today to get photos that were a little different than my usual ones from that park Canada Geese allowed in this posting and no swans. No chickadees eating out of our hands...Well, oops, I missed on that last one - how could one resist? ...And I had to resort to ducks too but one new  character made an appearance this trip (see all in the extra..)

Tonight, Mary's last supper here, we dined on our DejaVu Thanksgiving dinner..and made a real dent in that mound of turkey leftovers!  Later tonight? the pumpkin tarts...Dinner for 4 has now been consumed by two.

News from the north is that the cottage closing this weekend went well. The weather was wonderful..My daughter and S-I-L are still there and will take out the last dock tomorrow and cottage season will be officially over. Apparently a good time was had by all - My nephew and family were there to help and believe it or not..they all went in swimming! The family calendar picture of cottage closing this year will be them all in the lake!  Last year's photo was them on the dock, all bundled up in parkas, heavy sweaters and scarves! How times change! As does the climate it seems....


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