Sad but happy days

Blip is the lovely silky Amarone (kindly provided by BGCoffee) that we drank to accompany an amazing risotto made by David with Amarone (a slightly less expensive bottle I had in stock... which was used as stock!). So rich in flavour, just how I like my food, and drink! - likewise the fantastic intense watercress soup with floating free-range poached egg. A meal I adored, with no meat or fish in sight - I think perhaps that's a first!! Note that despite top-notch ingredients, the whole meal cost maybe £10 for the three of us (NOT including wine!! :D) - if we'd had a nice cut of meat to feed us, it would have been 3x as much I'm sure - veggie is cheaper for sure...
We "did" Examen afterwards - I'm happy that the sadness of D&L's impending departure was completely offset by the pleasantness of the day and my company - as in D&L rather than Shawbury (though also made new customer in Cornwall, in the shape of existing customer's brother-in-law - a nice bonus from the one follow-up call I made today... and it's worth noting that today is precisely 1 year on from my first Shawbury sale!).

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