Not A Great Start

I was wide awake like a switch in my brain and no chance of getting back to sleep.

Another photo site I subscribe to had 'Self Portrait' as their daily competition. Not something I normally do - but neither is getting up at 5am ... so I went for it.
Infrared camera, fisheye lens and a small torch ...... and this was the result. Sorry!.

Shopping and I couldn't remember the password to get onto the shop's app - so no discounts. 
I also used the 'wrong' card to pay for it ....... Doh! (but at least it wasn't rejected)

I was working at the lathe when next door's hot tub arrived so I had to stop working.
There was no way I was going to stay in the garage while the tub was craned over it.
The crane had a reach of 27 meters and the tub had to go 24 meters according to the hut tub man (I wasn't convinced because he measured it by paces and I am sure the crane was further out than he had paced.
It did reach though  although the distance warning was beeping like crazy as it was lowered extremely well into the space (there is less than 300mm wiggle room) so I think it was pretty much right on the limit ... but nothing crashed through the garage roofs so all was well.
At least it was for me.
Apparently there was no hinge assembly for the cover and the wrong pump was fitting so it was tripping the electricity in the house.
The tub man will be back tomorrow and the neighbours wont be testing it today.

Pictures of the event are Here

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