I’m still weary – I’m not really sure why I feel so tired when I wake up-especially at the weekend. Once I’m up and about I feel fine. I eventually dragged myself out for a run – five miles on a lovely autumnal morning – not cold and quite bright. Once home it was down to chores and washing – always so much washing. BB was off helping at mini rugby this morning., he wasn’t in a very good mood when he left, but had perked up by the time he came home.
After left over pizza for lunch, TT and I went to East Linton and had a walk via Phantassie and Smeaton. As we were passing the doocot, we passed a couple who were taking photos. I didn’t pay them much attention, but became aware of the man calling a name, but thought he was on his phone. However he kept calling Tracey. I eventually looked round and realised I knew him – a former boss, except he had the wrong name. Tracey was also a former colleague. I hadn’t seen him since Tracey’s funeral, which was around seven years. Anyway we stopped and chatted and he proceeded to talk about himself. He never had any self-awareness and hasn’t changed. What a bizarre meeting. We continued to Smeaton, walking round the pond then to the nursery to buy some bulbs.
Once home I did some ironing and TT made tea. Later we FaceTimed TT’s mum and then I watched Ridley Road. The end of another week.
This maple tree really caught my eye at Smeaton.
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