Far, far better
New country tick off the list today. We are in Austria and on another free-to-stay-if-you-eat location. The views are fabulous and it is clearly going to be far more peaceful than last night.
Traffic continued through the night last night, though with something of a lull between midnight and 3 am. Thereafter traffic picked up again and by 6 am, when the fuel tanker started his engine, traffic was in full flow once again. The tanker sat there with engine running for a full fifteen minutes before departing.
When I surfaced later I found The Driver buried under the duvet, with a pillow pulled up around his ears!
Today's drive was supposed to be a short one, taking an hour and ten minutes. In the event, it was three hours before we arrived here. Tempers were fraying.
We are parked beside an alpine hotel, between it and an alpine meadow. Snow-capped peaks are all about us. There is not a single sound, not even a cow bell to interrupt the peace.
We will be eating some warming stodge tonight - it was just 6°C at 2 pm and tonight is forecast for -2°C. I am about to unearth our extra blankets and fluff up the duvet.
Looking forward to my first genuine Austrian Schnitzel!
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