Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Another sunny day when the forecast was for cloudy weather. I went to our local woods with my macro lens to look for fungi, and there were many hidden away, once you start looking for them you see them everywhere. These are all hand held shots in low light so not the best quality images, but I decided to do a collage of them and also add an extra. There were some unusual ones that I have not seen before. Plus many spiders and cobwebs everywhere.

I was in the woods for ages and Xena was very patient while I was taking photos - she needed a good wash when we got home as these woods are more muddy than other ones around here.

My niece finally got an email asking her to pay the customs charges to release her parcel - a total rip off at a customs duty of 65% plus VAT (which has already been paid on these items at source here in the UK) plus administration fees and disbursement fees, when I have already paid courier fees on this side of the shipment. I won't be sending parcels anywhere again! But fingers crossed she may finally get the parcel in the next few days.

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