Shopping Trip

The girls have their cousins wedding at the end of the month. Both needed an outfit to fit their post baby bumps with easy access to their babies food!!! Get my meaning??!!

I collect DN2 and Baby J and we met DN1 and Baby M in Guildford which is half way for both of us. We stopped for food, coffee and feeds at Muffin break before hitting the shops!!

I happened to pick up a dress for DN1 that she had already picked out!!! Spooky.

I also arranged for my long lost Buddy Nicky to come as a surprise for the girls. She sided up next to DN2 in Zara and told her the jacket she picked up looked nice on her. DN2 didn't twig at 1st then once the penny dropped she burst into tears!!!! It was a such a lovely moment.

We spent the day together. The babies were great. The girls were happy and we spent time reminiscing. We shopped till we dropped.

Today was also the anniversary of the death of Nickys partner. He died from bowel cancer. She was grateful for something nice to do on such an emotional day.

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