
Thursday 14th October 2021

Our last day of the workshop. We drove over and parked at Buttermere but walked down to the edge of Crummock Water first. It was quite an overcast day but we were treated to some wonderful, but fleeting, patches of sun on the hills. They didn't last long though and for the rest of the day it was very dull. 

We walked over to Buttermere for lunch and spent the afternoon around the edge of the lake, where this was taken. As it was so dull I think it looks much better in mono. 

At lunch time Sue and I used our sitting mats on the banking. At one point Sue stood up and a gust of wind took her mat to the edge of the water. I just managed to get there and put my foot on it before it went further. But, just as I did, another stronger gust of wind picked mine up and sent it flying past me into the water well out of reach! We watched it floating around while we had lunch, hoping the wind would blow it back to shore. A lady who was passing by was determined to try and get it back, took her shoes off, rolled up her trousers and tried to paddle out to it. Unfortunately the wind kept pushing it further away until it was too far for her to go. She seemed to have fun trying though. Very kind of her! 

We got back slightly earlier this afternoon, which allowed time for a little processing of photos before our walk down to the pub for dinner. We enjoyed our evening reviewing photos but then it was all over for the final time. 

Many thanks once again to John for a fabulous week and for all the years of workshops I've been on (eight in total). 

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