
By Marionb

One of Many Paths Taken....

Another amazing autumn day dawned with a fabulous pink and blue striped sunrise, not the easiest to photograph from my street, but no matter, it did deliver a beauty of a day, if not a blip. 

I took advantage of the sunshine and warmth and drove over to Thickson's Woods to wander the many paths that twist and turn throughout it. Of course, an appropriate title for today could have been "Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood" but in this case I didn't take the one less travelled by, I took them all, so it didn't make any sense..but it was indeed a yellow wood! ( note how I have cleverly woven that poem into my posting anyway! It is one of my favourites...) 

Thickson's Wood is a great bird-watching spot in the spring and today I realized that that is the last time I have been there...and it is so close by..what's with that? It is worth many wanderings...not just one a year. Today I was the only person in the entire nature reserve! Just me. And some birds. What a treat.

I have become quite aware that many folks on blip are fascinated by fungi...I have never been all that interested, but now I find myself taking note of them and actually looking for them! and oh yes, taking pictures of them! ( see extra) Now the next step is to learn something about them! 

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