
By XSworld


Today I'll do an exception for my blip as it is an interesting day in Italy. It is the first day where the green pass (covid certification obtained by vaccination or recovery from covid infection, each valid for a year, or a temporary 48 hour pass after quick covid test) is necessary to go to work -it already was obligatory for sport, theater, cinema, restaurants, bars, air and train travel..etc. Those who don't have a green pass risk having their salary suspended and if they try to go to work they will recieve a heavy fine.
Today we expect some chaos and protest around the boot mainlybof the extreme right and the no-vax people!
Italy is the first country in the world to adopt such a rigid rule and I'm curious to see how it evolves. I live in the province of Bergamo that was the first epicenter of a Covid outbreak outside Wuhan. I hope I will never again live days as those of March 2020 when we were secluded in our homes for months, with the constant sound of ambulances outside, health system that had collapsed and people were dying all around us, without oxygen, far from their loved ones and even the funeral services collapsed and army trucks had to transport the dead to be cremated in different regions.
It was horrible!
The blip is a fusion of the QR code of my green pass and a butterfly that symbolizes the freedom that the posessors of the green pass obtain. In the extra there is the green pass controller that checked my pass at the entrance to work this morning, together with a team of nurses that do the Covid-PCR test next door.

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