Who needs a dog lead ....
When you can get the pooch to follow you with a CHUCK-IT .. For those of you unfamiliar with the dog toy market a Chuck-it helps to throw a ball way way wayyyy away and it happens to drive Buffy and Sadie wild with happiness .I should add at this juncture that Lucy is crap at actually using this contraption and kind of 'plaps' the ball in front of them which is no fun at all !!!
Right it's been a productive snack Wednesday .. We have not only snacked but mum and I have watched Mr W rip down cupboards and then fill holes AND box in some pipes .. He has worked like a trouper .. I however worked hard at yelling at him and eating .We are having some more open shelves in the kitchen as I don't like hiding away all my pretty mugs and cups .. So now I will not have to .
We have loads to do,painting and clearing and taking stuff to the tip.
Tomorrow I shall lie in bed and think about those things.
Snacks partaken today
1.cherry bakewell cakes
2.one tub of rocky road slices
3.one tub of mini chocolate brownies ..
And some chocolate .
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