
By JanetH

Night sky ...

... well, sort of.

Warning - do not try and clean your screen. They are stars not specks of dust!

This is a special week and my favourite of the year but it is also a very full week, days and evenings. I am therefore struggling to keep up with your journals but will catch up by the weekend. Thanks for sticking with me.

I hadn't managed a blip today, although I did try another shot of the amaryllis. However, walking home this evening I noticed the lovely full moon. I decided to have some personal time in the garden ... although I have to say it was rather cold!

I only seem to be able to take a good picture of the moon if I zoom right in and fill the frame. I got one I was pleased with and then tried experimenting with the night sky and the stars. I liked one of them but still wanted to see the full moon.

So ... sorry to all enthusiastic astronomers, this is not technically correct but a merge of two of my pictures tonight. The moon wasn't quite there, it was a little lower in the sky and perhaps a bit to the right but not a million miles away .... although, perhaps a few mm on the screen does make it a million miles away by the time you get to the moon, I don't know! I've tried to get the size approximately right but that might have changed too.

And what about the comet ... or is it an alien spaceship sending morse code ... or aliens themselves looking down at us? Try large to see what I mean! What do you think?

... ok, so it was a light trail from a passing plane but I can dream!

Yes, you've guessed it, I'm cracking up tonight! Please forgive my ramblings and my playing about with the photos. I'm just in that mood and having a mad moment ... must be the full moon!

You could, of course, go large and just look at the photo of the new moon, which is apparently currently 375,798 km away.

My proper moon shots, unedited:-
21st November 2012
14th January 2013

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