
I had an urge to do a ICM from the garden today, this is my variegated flax, here it looks multi coloured, straight from the camera.
The roofers arrived early but couldn't get on the roof as it was frosty.  They sat in their truck and waited until things dried out a little.  
Other than that its been a uneventful day....Doug did the lawns apart from where the scaffolding is, I did some gardening but my arm didn't enjoy it much.  
Thanks so much for your response to yesterdays blip, appreciated very much. 
Covid - 41 new cases.   Today was 'Super Saturday', where the emphasis throughout NZ was to encourage and vaccinate New Zealanders.  Lots of incentives offered here there and everywhere....last count 129,000 jabs were given, not a bad effort with a good percentage first jabbers.


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