T. Tiger's New Ride

The last few times we visited my mother-in-law, we brought stuff along home with us. She is getting ready to move into an assisted living arrangement at the end of the month in Martinsburg, which is south of Altoona, and all of the stuff that she wants to keep will be moved. Before that, she has a lot of stuff to get rid of.

On the first trip there, we brought home several containers of model cars that belonged to my husband's dad. I'd say there are two dozen of them or more. They are all different colors and models of cars. And of course, you can only imagine T. Tiger's glee at receiving such a wonderful fleet of vehicles. Now he'll have a different car to drive every single day of the week!

Beep beep! Zoom zoom! Look out! T. Tiger is behind the wheel!

The song: Chuck Berry, Riding Along in My Automobile.

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