Another herb

I feel like I have a really tiny life at the moment. I’m so busy with work that I have little energy for much else, plus we have to focus on getting our flat sorted out with the wardrobe build about to happen. That and keeping on top of things on the balcony. The balcony continues to give pleasure, and here’s a herb I planted previously, which is doing quite well. I’ve not seen it flowering before. It’s been out on the balcony literally for years.

Sadly, it may be that I didn’t think my upcycling project through sufficiently, because the wooden box has started warping because of the damp in the compost and appears to be about to fall apart… I think I need to get another trough, decant the herbs into there, dry the wooden trough out, and then think about some way of treating it and/or lining it, to stop this happening again. I won’t abandon it!

Our tiny lives extended as far as a trip to a large orange DIY place where we got some compost and a curtain pole. We are going to replace the curtains in our bedroom. I need to buy those from JL online tomorrow, but we were happy actually to see the curtain poles as that’s not something I feel particularly comfortable buying online. My new dressing gown arrived. I put it to one side. I will decide tomorrow whether to keep it or not.

I had to do a bit of work during the day, catching up on myself. Just a tiny bit more including some teaching preparation tomorrow, and then I’ll feel like I start the week with an approximate grip on things.

Very tired tonight, despite not having done very much. The weather doesn’t help. It’s been grey and cold for most of the day, but now it is raining quite hard. I shall retreat early to bed and read my book.

A year ago, we were quite busy.

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