Qu'est-ce que je fais ?

By waitingforgodot

Burrowing Crab

I took the N-Judah to the beach. I was surprised to see that Great Highway was blocked off to cars, but it later hit me that it was probably because it was Friday, which when every damned day is basically the same, you don't know what day it is.

Along the beach, close to the water, I saw a seagull drag a crab away from the surf, picking at it while it was on its back. As I came closer to it, the gull walked away, and seeing that the crab was alive, I turned it back over. It made slight movements, as if to crawl back to the water, but stopped, even once the surf came in and washed over it. Not much farther along, the same gull had pulled another crab towards dry land, and as with the first one had turned it over, and again walked away as I approached. I turned this one over as well and it responded a little differently, burrowing itself into the sand when waves washed in. Aside from being one myself, I know nothing of crabs... might they have been laying eggs?

I stopped to pick up a few groceries on the way home, and as I waited in the self-checkout line, it appeared that a woman tried to cut the line for the checkout stations. She possibly wasn't aware of the line when a guy my age or older appeared to tell her what was what. She burst into a cursing rage, and was met by security, who physically removed her from the store. When I got to the head of the line, I saw several grocery items, including shattered bottles, on the floor where security had caught up with her. Either she tossed them down or dropped them in the confrontation. As I continued to wait in line, a fellow walked up to the guy at the checkout (where this all started), cussed him out, then walked away. I don't think he was with the woman (I had seen her earlier and she was alone), so... everything about the situation was just weird. The woman continued to scream at the security people outside, and when I left the store, she looked to have her hands cuffed behind her. I don't know the reality of it. It all seemed so tragic and unnecessary.

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