Chartwell ..... & ..
..... Company.
Mary & I went out to lunch at the White Hart Braised KENT UK, ( must say staff were lovely ,but I felt it was trying to be Fine Dinning but just not getting there,) so I'm afraid I won't be returning anytime soon, but it is My Choice no reflection for others that's for them to choose!
We then went on to Chartwell ( Churchill's residence) , Mary went into the house , we had both done it many times but I find the stairs difficult for me now, still did quite a walk tho'. We then went on to Westerham for a cuppa, but it was 4.55pm & ALL the tea shops closed at 5pm?? So, no cuppa , I needed bread & milk so decided to get it there , then come straight home to start preparing the meal for tomorrow. Then watch strictly!
So all in all a good day ,since I started with a hair cut & blow dry.
Do hope you've all had a good Saturday.
Thoughtful ..... how I must enjoy these last few weeks of Mary's company ad she will be returning to Thailand soon. Boo !
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