Christmas Cards

I always get some each year they are for "Hope Pastures" a charity which is a Horse and Donkey rescue place in Leeds. You can sponsor a horse or donkey for the year, which I sometimes do.

Today a very strange bird came down into our garden,  and I suddenly realised it was a Jay. so pretty, never seen one in the garden before only in woodland.
 Then lo and behold another new bird, a Song Thrush which came down twice. I did think I saw one a couple of weeks back but wasn't sure but I saw it quite plainly today. Not seen them around for many a year, hope it stays, they do sing lovely.
So just a bit of excitement.

Went for our annual flu jab this morning, I asked her about the covid booster and she said it would be 6 months after our 2nd one we would get a notification to book an appointment so for us it will be at the end of this month. Makes me wonder if we will be getting one every 6 months seeing as it only lasts that long.

Thats all for now good night

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