90 Pound Lap Dog
For some reason Spike's presence was making Blake very anxious about the foam left in Dana's coffee cup....It certainly seemed a suitable subject for Silly Saturday in honor of Admirer. This isn't the first Saturday of the month but I'm entering it anyway. Thanks to energia for keeping the challenge going.
In other news:
The exterminator came.
John brained himself lifting down a box with a loose shelf in it. It hit Spike after it hit John. Both are ok, but Spike won't come in the office anymore.
I'm still editing pictures but discovering that they really aren't in very good chronological order. I think it might go back to the time when I lost all my pictures. I found someone who was able to retrieve them but not necessarily in order and not all of them. It would take me another lifetime to sort that out.
Our friend Tobi had to cancel our get together today because she was feeling ill.. She tested herself for Covid and got a negative result, but still feels quite ill with headache, fatigue, muscle aches, etc....
I seem to have run out of time, despite the fact that I haven't done anything much today.
It was 85F today but the temperatures are supposed to drop almost 20 degrees tomorrow and there might be a little rain. Fingers crossed....
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