
By Instography

More Newhaven

Saturday should be swimming but I couldn't find Ellen's costume and anyway Ewan was complaining about a sore bum after slipping on the stairs (moving too fast in just his socks - how many times?) so there were no tears shed at missing swimming. But we were up at 7.30 so there was plenty time to kill. More bumming around, drawing, eating sausages, making bread.

After lunch we were all getting a bit stir crazy and I needed to do some mooching around Newhaven to add details to my school project so a plan was hatched - Newhaven, Ocean Terminal for books and, if there was anything on, cinema.

It all went pretty much to plan apart from the moaning about the cold, the books getting replaced by Build-a-Bear (don't get me started on their hard selling) and there being nothing on at the cinema. So, home for snacks and Johnny English (made a little better by being played straight from a hard disk through a hacked Apple TV).

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