Rainy walks

Early risers this morning. ( Well not Mr R he was out last night). 

Harp started her day off with drawing and writing her numbers. I'm biased but for not long being 3 she's good at adding detail to her drawing and is getting good at writing her numbers. ( See extra). 

I took three of the Wildlings a walk in the rain earlier. I have not been in the best of moods today so I needed to get out. 
When we came home I got Lincoln ready and stuck the Jedi in the double buggy and went a walk to Tesco to get some of the food shopping for this week. I couldn't do a full shop as I was walking and don't drive and Mr R wasn't right to get behind the wheel. Lincoln is now knackered as it's quite a walk there and back and then it was pouring down on the way home . 

I didn't sleep great at all last night so will be going to bed as soon as I can . I need to bath a couple of the Wildlings and have dinner when they're in bed. 

The Wildlings are waiting on a ice cream cone , I've told them they need to tidy the hall and lounge first. They ate their dinner. So they can have a treat. 

It's been quite a wasted day on some levels today. Tomorrow is Monday. It's a new day 

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