Out Of The Blue

Thursday is rugby club day, quite somber mood amongst the old guys with the single senior team, nominally the 1st XV, losing by about 50 points each week since they won their opening match. Its hard to see where they can pick up points, even losing bonus points, or where they can improve. Fortunately there is no relegation this season just ‘restructuring’.

Dinner done Clare arrived home and we had barely sipped our tea/coffee when my phone rang.
Ian H, ex Royal Marine and a really close friend from our Northern Ireland days was in town. Joshua’s godfather we haven’t seen Ian for around three years, he works for a ‘government agency’ and normally after he has left town there is a report on the local news about arrests.

I walked down to the Greenbank Hotel and we picked up where we left off three years ago. Just three beers over a couple of hours and a lot of chat.

Good friends, good times.

Today’s Blip, a misty Falmouth Harbour on the walk home at 11:00pm.

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