Place: St Pete Beach, FL 68/83
Main activity: Sun - moving
Notes: Very little sleep and awake before 3a. Had much of the truck loaded night before. Was so early, did 15 min of writing and then loaded the heat-sensitive and last-used things, grabbed the fridge and freezer stuff (already packed into bags) and headed out (warm and sticky). Everything up to the building, heavy trudging up 1.5 flights of stairs - this photo taken 448a. Got as much sorted, settled and arranged as I could and then crashed on the couch 6a and slept till 740a. Another trip out with the remaining few things I don't need and am storing at 4dogs so I don't have to carry up stairs and find somewhere to store it out of the way in this minuscule studio. In just a couple hours had cooled way down and humidity gone. So stiff and achy, exhaustion in bones and every cell of my being. Lots more organizing and unpacking - attempting to minimize as much as possible. Very low key day after all that ... need some rest.

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