Bowers and Pitsea

Another FA Cup match and another defeat.  We were rubbish, so I won't dwell on the football.  The chap third from the right on the left hand side of the picture is called Mark.  I've seen him around a few times, but got to spend some time talking to him at Stockport last week.  He had caught the train to our game in south Essex and as they got to one of the train stations, they met Mick, the guy on the far left.  Mick is a Dartford fan and had been going to watch their game at Sudbury, but he missed the train.  Seeing Mark and a few other Shots fans at the station he asked if he could tag along and came to the game.  He was probably quite pleased that he missed Dartford getting beat 3-1, and was also probably quite pleased that he wasn't as emotionally invested in the Shots as the rest of us were

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