Worth the wait

We took the train from the village to Sheffield today to see Riverdance at the City Hall. The show was first booked for B’s birthday in May ‘20 but postponed. We have seen the show once before in London, but cannot remember which year. Obviously pre blip!!! It was excellent.

Photographs were not allowed during the show, so this is a quick snap in the interval. 

It was drizzling when we left the village, but blue skies in Sheffield. This is the first time that B has arrived by train, but I’ve been before, so could show him an interesting route via the Winter Garden where the Old Time Sailors were performing, they were great fun. They even handed out a newspaper, The Sunday Sailor, which gives details of the group, the words of their music and dance instructions.

Lunch was Italian, tasted so much better than my home made efforts. 

City Hall was the venue for R’s MBA graduation in ‘18. On that occasion we were able to have a good look round, it is stunning building. We were reminded of a superb event and a very happy day. 

A nice surprise when looking for our Senior Rail cards, they don’t expire for another 6 months!!!  Another surprise was the number of people we saw travelling between Lincoln and Sheffield, the trains were almost full with mostly under ‘30’s. 

This doesn’t feel like a Sunday, I’m going to be out of sync this week!! 

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