
Katie asked me to pick her up after she'd had tea and given herself a bit of time to get straight from school. The roads on a Friday are unpredictable, so I was in Wells from about 3.30pm. She messaged me when she'd finished school, very excited. Lisa walked past the house not long before she went for her tea and Katie was sat in the window. She spotted Lisa and charged out, apparently full of beans and VERY bouncy. I was, by that point, also rather excited too! Seeing her little beaming face at the window was brilliant. She ran out the room, threw the door open and launched herself into my arms. Her and another girl were the only ones in the house still. I think she quite liked being able to do the leaving without the chaos of the rest of the house trying to leave at the same time. 

She stayed awake for a bit longer than she has done the other times I've picked her up, but when she did go to sleep she was totally flat out for the rest of the journey. We got home eventually just after 11, following road closures on two of the motorways, She was not awake many minutes from getting out the car to flopping happily in her bed. 

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