Pandemic memories
I found this juice in the garage today. It’s not a type of juice we drink, and it was a year past its use by date. But it brought back such vivid memories of the early days of the pandemic.
There was so much uncertainty about what was going to happen and what we ought to do. We sanitised our hands until the skin peeled, and we wiped down every item of shopping that came from the supermarket. We were told that we should have supplies for two weeks in the house, because if we got Covid we would have to isolate for fourteen days. We all laughed at the panic buying of toilet rolls, but all sorts of products disappeared from the supermarket shelves, and we bought up whatever substitutes we could find. That’s why we bought the juice.
How did the mood then compare with now? The energy was higher then, I think. So much was unknown. There was a sense of heightened anxiety and also a certain excitement, exhilaration even, at the sheer novelty of events. Now perhaps we are less energised, more resigned. Thoroughly over it, in fact.
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