Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2486. Royal Artillery Metal Detector Find

I had to pop over to see my step daughter this morning as I needed to sort out her printer issues (which we did after a long and tortuous phone call to HP).  Once we had uninstalled the printer on her laptop it actually started to work again!  The phone app is still playing up (as is mine on my phone too so it’s not just her printer) but she can at least print from her work laptop at home.  Whilst I was there I asked about her own laptop “ oh that’s not working any more” was the reply. I brought it home with me, did all the windows updates and just defragging the drive before possibly uninstalling some software causing issues.
It’s working fine now….

My grandson showed me his metal detector finds and these pieces were his favourites.  They are cap badges from the Royal Artillery of the British Army and I’ve no idea how old they are.  I also don’t know where he found them but there was an Army base not far from where he was staying with his other Granny, so they may be from there.

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