.... WE WENT IN TO LONDON! And it was good. 

Before we left for the city and they did working, we all 5 had breakfast together. Katie and Ru had some play time, we bagged a lift to the tube from Alicia and headed in. Katie was a squealy, happy, delightful little lady who was so glad to be back. Hamley Bear started the day, catching him and friends at opening. Time in the Potter section there. We walked down Regent Street, stopping for treat early morning macarons at the posh place. Lego shop was a fun wander. M and M World of course for her obligatory bag of pick your own (and a wee birthday present too). Then we had a look at the giant wands in Leicester Square, installed for the 20th anniversary. Covent Garden - where to her delight she discovered that Whittards are now doing free samples again and she got several delicious hot chocolates! Hunting for balloon dog sculptures. THEN.... Harry Potter Exhibition! Not a patch on the studios, obviously, but some things we hadn't seen, facts we didn't hear last time, green screen fun and just general Potter merriment. The Potter geek staff are fabulous and add to the whole experience with their very random pieces of trivia and unquenchable enthusiasm. 

So today’s blip is chosen by Katie.... the green screen souvenir shot (which they kindly invited me to take my own photograph of because my bank card was being stupid).

We stopped for lunch after the Potter fun before we walked to Trafalgar Square, Westminster, the Memorial Wall, South Bank, Holborn. We declared that we were both then done. Tube and a walk back to Uncle Simon's for a quick goodbye to Ru et al..... and we managed to nicely avoid all the absolute worst bits of rush hour traffic, by the skin of our teeth! 

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