Tuesday's creative

Yesterday was a bit of a rollercoaster of a day.

I had the opticians in the morning. I had the OCT test, paid a tenner for that. We still do not have diabetic retinopathy tests in Wales. They have not resumed doing them since they stopped them because of Covid. So, I thought having the OCT test would be better than nothing.

I do not appreciate this opticians sense of humour/the way he put information over. Right, here's the bad news he says. You have cataracts forming here, and you will need an operation. A long pause. But, the good news he says, is you won't need the operation for many many years (I am thinking I will probably be dead by then so this won't be a concern to me). Now here is more bad news. You have had a hemorrhage in your left eye. That's a stroke, he said. But the good news, he says, is that it happened a few weeks ago and it is healing. In a couple of weeks you wouldn't know it was even there. If this appointment had been a couple of weeks later, I wouldn't have been able to see it, he said.

He did all the other stuff they do, and pronounced my eyes were in very good condition, my eyesight was good, he was very pleased with it.

Apparently the haemorrhage in the eye can be caused by me lifting something heavy, or stress. And it can be accompanied with blurred vision. But I didn't have that.

I decided, most likely it was stress. AH neighbour, and also Popeye. Oh, and also Mr Insensitive neighbour (of the Xmas strobe flashing lights) who blocked our shared drains a couple of weeks ago. 

The water board were waiting for me when I got back. They wanted permission to shove a camera up my drains. I said okay. After inspection the guy said there was no problem for me, and he had finished. But some time later I noticed their big van was still outside my house and their small van was blocking the neighbour's driveway on the side nearest me, so I went out. He came out of the big van. It's all okay for you, he said, the Waterboard's paperwork I have to do takes far longer than the job. You can go back in, don't worry if you see the van here for a bit, you have nothing to worry about for the drains on your property. 

The Mr Insensitive (Xmas flashing Lights, drain blocker neighbour) was not in his bungalow. Neither car was there. 

I went back inside and went to bed. I was tired after the optician's appointment. I woke up a couple of hours or so later. The Waterboard's vans were still outside. No sign of Mr Insensitive neighbour's cars yet.

I had some shopping still in my car (fortunately not fridge stuff), so, I wasn't going to get it until the waterboard had gone. I didn't want to walk into something developing if Mr Insensitive returned home. 

So creative this morning is the eye and optician's, and the eye camera in drains...my take on it, worked in Snapseed.

Have an interesting day. I intend to relax and chill out. It is pouring with rain. It was yesterday, and still the heavy machinery noises from AH neighbour's garage. It is not the sound of your normal household DIY machinery, but of heavy more industrial stuff, and it goes on almost non stop for a good few hours every day. I am now beginning to question who is using that machinery and for what purpose. A man in his mid 70's surely doesn't have the energy and stamina to operate this industrial sounding machinery for the long periods it is being used for.

Sorry, I seem to have written a long post (book) again. It was meant to be a short one!

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