Little mushrooms
I do feel better today, my nose has stopped dripping and less sneezing - although I did wake up at about 5am sneezing and then failed to fall asleep again :(
Luke came home last night as he had a morning dentist appointment, and he cannot waste working time commuting from London to home (the dentist is walking distance from our home). It was good to see him again and he has just got over the horrible cold that is going around at the moment - I have heard it called the super cold and the London cold, not sure what it should be called but it is definitely a post lockdown cold as everyone failed to build up immunity for everyday colds and germs by keeping apart and wearing masks, and now that we are in contact again it is spreading. Adam has been suffering with it too and has been unable to go into the lab for a few days.
I have been on a fungi hunt for the past week and there are some incredible specimens in our local woods, but these were in my garden growing near the outdoor bins. There is quite a large crop of them but they were in a difficult position to photograph.
After being one of the world leaders with our Covid vaccination program the UK has fallen off the bus regarding the third booster - we need to vaccinate 8.5 million people in England but have only vaccinated 3.7 million so far. You cannot book online yet and have to wait to be contacted by the NHS. I hope they get a move on with this, as most vaccination sites are not busy so I cannot understand why this is not happening.
The good news for today is that my niece in South Africa finally received her parcel I sent to her - on the third attempt. I initially sent it on 7 September!
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