horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Thankfully a not-more-regular PSA that a bad headache (while often debilitating and awful) is not, and never will be, a migraine.
After years without (having suffered as a kid to the point of getting a brain scan to make sure everything was okay), 2 in the last week. My early indicators have shuffled around a bit, and thankfully caught both so it didn't go full-blown. So if you still think your headache is a 'migraine', here's a minor, caught early, one....
I open now with the vision going on my right side. not my right eye. No matter which eye is open, or both, the same area to the right disappears. From the peripheral into central right. It's not black, it's not blurry, it's just 'not there'. A gap my brain can't fill. I can be slightly freaky when you look askance at someone and can't see their head.
Then I lose about 75% of feeling in both hands and up my arms. It's not 'numb' per se, but enough to make them feel like they're not mine, and I have to look at them to make sure they're doing what I want.
Last Sunday I managed to catch it at that. Yesterday not so lucky. My old first indicator of pins and needles on the right side of my face made a brief cameo (used to be that and my left foot going heavy that meant I knew what was coming). And then the joy of not being able to speak. Some would say it was a joy certainly. It's like my brain can't keep up, and the only other time I've experienced the same was when I cracked my head, had a bad concussion, and forgot where I lived.
Last night I was stumbling around words, forgot what potatoes were called (it was in context to the conversation we were having) and basically spent an hour struggling to communicate (at this point Mel made me go and lie down).
This morning I feel like I've been run over by a steamroller, but thankful it didn't go the whole hog. Stress recently with work and the house stuff has been through the roof, and seems like a workout on the bike, rather than now giving me the space to breathe like it normally does, is tipping the mental stress juuuuuuust over the edge.
Can't really do anything about how busy work is (especially as everyone is in the same boat really, and this week, being school holidays, means I'm child-free cover - thankfully I'm no longer the only one!); but hopefully the house stress 'should' be lessening (I can see why people hate lawyers - shouldn't be up to me to chase and organise dates with the other sides and so on); and I'm going to take a week off the bike.
For now, today, some fresh air (even in the rain) and relax.
Headaches? Pshaw!

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