
Almost Easter and there was a blanket of snow overnight, although it had cleared by lunchtime there was more snow showers throughout the day, the sun did come out and there was some blue sky, I considered going out with my camera but by the time I got myself organised it had gone again!

I eventually headed out as Black Isle Brewery had a tap takeover at Nobles in Leith, primarily to introduce their new Oak aged Black Run Imperial Stout, which was pretty good although perhaps a bit sweet for my taste. They also had an Oak aged Hibernator which was another stout and absolutely delicious, unfortunately I understand that there's no more of it :-( Apart from the normal range of Black Isle Beers, they also make a pale ale exclusively for Nobles which is normally good, tonight they had a one off "unfined extra hopped" version which was even better, as this was my only chance to enjoy such fine beers I had to stay longer and enjoy a few more glasses of each ;-)

I ended up staying long enough for the raffle draw and won a bottle of Export Scotch Ale and a Black Isle Beer T-Shirt :-) After that I headed home a very happy chappy, stopping by the chippy on the way to pick up a steak pie supper :-)

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