Fluffy Feet

I had an impromptu visit to Tunbridge Wells as Mr W - who was going to make use of his free bus pass - was going to go in on his own but decided he needed my opinion on a Jack Wolfskin he wanted to buy. Just as well I did go as I suggested he asked Cotswold if they would price match on  the same coat he has seen £45 cheaper on line..... and they did!! He was happy!!

Once home I got on with my crochet orders. Seem to have had quite a flurry which is nice but they all seem to come at once!!

Once Mr W got back from his osteopath appointment I took Bella to see Daughter Number 2 and her cats. Her Ginger one decided to torment her a bit, asking to play then swipe her one!!!

We had a little walk with Baby J in the sling that he loves and I managed to shoot his little fluffy toes while he fed using my new Macro.

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