Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

What's not to like

I'm starting to really settle into this dog. She is now 8 months old so we have had her for just under 6 months; she will be spayed in about 6 weeks time as I could not give any of her pups away. This is a huge shame as she has a first class pedigree, however I just cannot trust the human animal.

She is stubborn, vicious, wilful and a real daredevil. This morning she took her ball to the top of a small rapid, chucked it with her chin then chased it down river, dived in, recovered it then took it back and repeated the trick several times. Fear? No fear.

I think we have reached an understanding, I think I'm in charge, she knows otherwise; as long as we understand this then life can continue.

In other news........
More roses arrived today. This garden of hers is going to be fantastic in a year or three.
The chief lady pharmacist (with whom I have wonderful relationship - purely professional you understand) derisively snorted and told me I could never handle or keep up with the demands of a 25 year old blonde; she nearly collapsed in giggles when I enquired if this particular lady would be in a wheelchair or on crutches.

I leave myself open to ribald or even salacious gossip.

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