The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm


I first visited Stonehenge on a school trip and it has always held a fascination for me. I read many articles and tomes on the subject in the sixties and seventies and still own a paperback of Hawkins' Stonehenge Decoded that I read in 1972. In the nineties I went there with a friend who was a dowser to investigate a powerful ley line that passed through both Stonehenge and Avebury and later wrote a piece about it, but although I have seen it many times since and stopped to photograph it from the road, I hadn't been there until this year, when I discovered that my National Trust membership would get me in (it is managed by English Heritage).

My arrival coincided with that of a coach trip and after queuing with the throng no sooner had I passed through the turnstile than I realised that both the toilets and the counter for overpriced refreshments were on the other side of it and had to go straight back out again.

Once inside I was surprised that there seemed to be no information about the stones other than an audio guide, but I gather that the long awaited improvements to the site that are finally under way will not only do away with the road that separates the car park and entrance from the stones but will also include a multi-million pound visitor centre.

I did two walks around the stone circle, first with two cameras with wide-angle zoom lenses and then again with a telephoto zoom replacing the ultra-wide one, mainly to capture some of the jackdaws that were nesting within a couple of the stones, although the blip I have chosen is a somewhat picture-postcard view taken with the 12-24mm zoom.

After the second tour, I had a surprisingly inexpensive small cappuccino from the misnamed Grand Cafe (it's a hole in the wall), consumed in the area of metal tables adjacent to the car park (sadly out of sight of Stonehenge itself) and watched and snapped the jackdaws, starlings and rooks exploiting the wastefulness of man by collecting crumbs and other tasty titbits from the area.


Blip #935
Consecutive Blip #000
Day #1085

The Visitor
Coach Trip

Stonehenge, 14 March 2013 (Flickr set)

Lenses: Pentax 12-24mm, Pentax 17-70mm, Sigma 70-300mm

Bleeding Obvious Wiltshire series
(This series was suggested by Woodpeckers, after her Hidden Stroud series)

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Richie Havens - There's A Hole In the Future (1970)
(from his classic album Stonehenge)

One year ago: Roswell

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