Getting down to things.
Off first thing to meet Alison and Shona at Loch Leven Lodges for coffee. We arrived within minutes of each other and settled at our favourite table with coffee and scones. I was given chocolate and birthday cards which was when I realised I didn't have my glasses on. Now I put them on when I get out of bed and they never leave my face so this was a bit of a shock. Had I driven Loch Leven without them ? If I had this was a serious memory lapse. Went to check they weren't in the car but no trace. However I always keep a spare pair in the car so at least I would be safe to drive home. Came back and we settled back into chatting. Some time later Alison bent down to pick up a dropped tissue and Bingo ! There were my glasses. All became clear. They had steamed up while wearing my mask. I'd taken them off to clean and had been so busy talking and ordering they'd got forgotten and had slipped off the table unnoticed. Huge relief. It was nearly lunchtime before we left. We always seem to have plenty to say. I didn't go straight home but went down to Lochore Meadows instead looking for a photo. The trees are colouring up nicely but I opted for a cygnet putting its feathers in order instead. More cards when I got home and later a phone call from an old friend I hadn't heard from for a while. And the sun shone all day so not a bad birthday all round.
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