Silver road
This looked quite amazing in real life - more gold than silver, and quite blinding - appropriate that it looks more silver in the blip - as BGCoffee discovered recently, silver has the atomic number 47!! And I was just on my way back from my blood test at the surgery...
Won't get the results for a while but I don't think there's anything to worry about - kidney function has dropped from 72 to 64 (on last blood test), prompting the extra test... but it was 66 before that... and anything above 60 indicates a "healthy" kidney. There's bound to be an effect on my kidneys with all the medication I take now - anyway, I'll let you know when I get the results. My blood pressure was fine (110 over 70). I also did a bit of shopping, just odds and ends like fizzy water to go with my ginger cordial, some toilet ducks, cooking oil, etc. Only food I got was bacon, mushrooms etc for breakfast - the rest comes with my Gousto/ Hello Fresh deliveries. I went to Tesco and Aldi, and parked at the far end of each car park - with the walking round the shop as well it was over a mile - not far off my village walk!! Boy, my blips are interesting :D
Ady popped in and told me he's struggling a bit - various things... then later Francis called and told me he is too. Both are only really able to sleep with chemical help (alcohol or tablets of various sorts). It's a tough world out there, I'm very grateful that largely my life "works" most of the time these days - certainly wasn't like that in the past (being single helps!!! - as does the relative flexibility of my job).
Did a bit of phoning/ emailing/ sorting - trying to sort best times to book in pre-Christmas visits, contact customers who live near shows I'm going to, working out if I can go over to the Isle of Man before Christmas to see my old customers there... only a small number of actual "sales calls" (to no avail). Finished Vigil (OK, but not really my scene - again not really anyone I could identify with), started The Cleaner (Greg Davies, Helena Bonham-Carter).
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