What a day!! I thought I had enough time (and some) today morning to make it to the airport but, boy, was I wrong!

Storms and heavy rains here in Western Europe caused massive delays on trains and even though I had a buffer of around 3-4 hours, my journey to the airport quickly became very frenetic.

All ICE trains were stopped in stations and as the  clock kept ticking, I, like many of my fellow passengers on the train, had to make a choice on whether to stay on the train and hope for the best or to get out and take a taxi to the airport. I wasn't sure at all if I'll even get a taxi there and the staff on the train were not at all helpful.

But considering I was still ~80kms away, I decided to ditch the hope and managed to find a taxi service who agreed to pick me from there in around 10 mins. An old German couple agreed to join me and split the (astronomical) fare and I barely made it in time to check in my luggage.

All thanks to this mad lad who made full use of the Autobahn to get us to the airport on time and the lovely old couple who paid for me (as I didn't have cash) and let me rush in to send in my luggage first.

Glad that luck was on my side yet again! 

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