
Well the Wildlings are having a good day ( let's see how lasagne goes at dinner). 
They had fun at dalscone this morning and got to go pumpkin picking in the field before they left. Of course three of them had to choose the biggest ones that they could find . I am so glad that I had the double buggy with me that I could transport them home. Harp decided she didn't want to walk anymore so sat on top of the pumpkins in the buggy. This did not go down well with my shoulder and I had a wee greet when I got home. Extra painkillers were taken and I'm on the countdown for my appointment. 11 days, it happens on my birthday so I think it's a great present ;-). 

We made some honeycomb later in the afternoon. 

I've uploaded their photos onto a tree today to acknowledge blips birthday. I love this site and the connections I have made with people. I am friends with people who are hundreds of miles away too thousands and no matter the distance I feel quite close to them. So happy birthday Blip . 

I've put in extras of the Jedi because I'm biased and he is super cute in them . 

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