The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

Taking Some Morning Sun

As we've settled into our niece and nephew's home it's nice to be surrounded by furry family members again (J is a small animal vet), giving me a chance to wean myself from the unconditional love of well cared for rescues since unfortunately our home community in Florida has a "no pet" policy. This fine fellow lazing about in the morning sun has a bit of Maine Coon Cat in him and reminds me of my buddy Sully back at my daughter's home. We'll be here for another week so expect more pet pics ....

Our nephew's surgery is scheduled for today in Pittsburg. Long and complicated I expect we wont hear anything until much later today or tonight. Again, all the well wishes, prayers, and support that have come his way has been much sppreciated by M and his family.

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